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Category: Education

Nursery Rhymes List of Songs from Around the World

Nursery Rhymes List of Songs from Around the World

Nursery rhymes for toddlers and babies play a huge role in every child’s early development stages. Kids love the rhyming words, the lyrics and the repetition of words and of course, the music! The origins of most nursery rhymes are grim and they were actually ways to tell stories through poetic lyrics and sounds. But over the years, they have become a source of entertainment and learning for children. These rhymes transformed into fun modern versions that delight kids around the world.

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Top Benefits of Educational Apps For Your Toddler’s Growth

Top Benefits of Educational Apps For Your Toddler’s Growth

Ever since the dawn of the Digital Age, means of education have become easily accessible to everyone through apps. Screen time for kids, especially toddlers and preschoolers, has been a much-discussed topic among parents around the world. According to a majority of parents, screen time is alright only if the content is educational and rightly so. There is a wide selection of educational apps available for kids on the Apple App Store, Google Play and Amazon App Store, but what should you be looking for in those apps?

What makes the content educational?

It is important to check if the apps that you’re exposing your child to, impact your child in a positive way. If your child has learned something new, memorized a name, counted objects after using the app then you have a winner. A good educational gaming app aims to educate, build children’s brains, assist their early learning, help them grow cognitively and sharpen their fine motor skills.

How can your child benefit from learning apps? Here’s what we think:

1. ‘Mom, I can pick the odd one out!’

Apps which enable your child to learn to classify different objects are the best. Matching objects with their shadows, finding the odd one out, sorting objects according to their colors, shapes etc. are all the activities which prepare your children for the early stages of math development.

learn sorting objects

2. ‘Which object is bigger?’

Another aspect of learning about classification is comparing between two or more objects and organizing them. Through apps which encourage learning, your child will be aware of the fact that a drum is bigger than a pair of glasses, which is essential information to prepare him for preschool and kindergarten. He will learn to identify and compare articles, think logically and decide which one is heavier, lighter, longer, shorter, bigger and more.

child learn classify objects

3. ‘I can count!’

Identifying numbers and counting is another early math skill essential for your child’s development. Having a strong foundation with numbers and basic math will help your child in the long run. If your toddler can count from 1 to 10 just by memorizing, that’s half the battle won! The next step is to make him understand the concepts of greater than and less than so that the basic idea is crystal clear in his mind.

toddlers learn to count

4. ‘Popping balloons is fun!’

Fine motor skill is the synchronization of hands and fingers with the eyes, making it a crucial skill for every child. It involves small movements of wrists, hands, fingers, toes, and feet. Interactive games which motivate kids to tap, pop balloons, paint on the screen or perform any other activity with their fingers are great for developing their dexterity.

tapping games for kids

5. ‘Let’s get up and move!’

If you’re worried about your child having a sedentary lifestyle because of games, you can go for apps which encourage your child to get up and move! Games and songs which make your child dance along, jog, skip, jump are perfect for your toddler. Fun times for you and your little one are guaranteed!

dancing apps for kids


6. ‘It’s so interesting!’

With the constant updates that online gaming apps constantly roll out, your child just cannot get bored with them. Good quality and interactive learning apps know how to grab your child’s attention and pique their interest and curiosity. It’s much better if your child spends time learning and having fun rather than just mindlessly watching videos with no informative value.

coloring apps for kids

7. ‘I have learned all the good manners!’

Some of the best learning apps for kids teach good manners, promote positive behavior and habits right from the beginning. Good practices like recycling waste, cleaning, planting and watering saplings all make a wonderful addition to your child’s early education. Children imitate what they see on the screen and if the animated characters on the screen are practicing good habits, your child will do, too.

kids learn good manners

Summing up

Educational apps which have a positive influence on your child are the best to keep him engaged, interested, and also keeps him ahead of the curve. If you’re looking for such an app, you can download Kidloland which has everything – right from Nursery Rhymes, Games to Fables and Stories with so much to learn from.
Download Kidloland here:

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Screen Time For Kids – 7 Ways To Mix Fun & Learning

Screen Time For Kids – 7 Ways To Mix Fun & Learning

‘Screen time for kids’ has been a topic of numerous discussions. Some people believe that little kids should be kept away from technology at all costs. On the other hand, an extensive survey, based on American children says that a large number of kids now have access to technology. Kids are known to grab an electronic device for leisure and it’s a win-win situation for parents if it also contains an educational value. Children are curious little creatures and it is vital to keep a check on what kind of content your child is looking at on the device screen.

Here are the best ways you can ensure your child’s screen time is his/her learning time as well:

1. Get some storytelling apps.

Stories fuel a child’s imagination and creativity. An educational app like Kidloland, that tells stories with cute animations is a great way to get the child thinking and develop a reading habit. You can also pause the stories to interact with your child and ask questions about what they learned from it. Consider downloading e-books for kids as well.

2. Choose colorful content.

It’s no surprise that colors, shapes and funny characters are very intriguing to a child. Download apps which provide such creative and eye-catching content where your kid can learn to identify and distinguish between different objects and classify them.

3. Make sure the app is interactive.

Visual content which is interactive is a great tool to keep your child on his/her toes! Ask them questions like ‘Can you tell me what he’s doing?’ or ‘What do you think will happen next?’ and watch as they reply with utmost excitement. This will help your child’s thinking, vocabulary and give a kick-start to his/her analytical skills at an early age.

screen time for kids

4. Download gaming apps.

Find apps which will rack your child’s brain such as jigsaw puzzles, object sorting etc. Such fun gaming apps will make sure your child hones his/her intellectual abilities right from the beginning. Check if the games are safe and provide good graphics for the overall development of your child.

5. Enhance your child’s memory.

Memory games have been a staple in every kid’s learning process and technology just makes it even more fun for them. Find memory games which help your child visualize and remember animals, fruits, objects, names etc. easily. Don’t forget to engage and participate in a quiz session after the game ends.

6. Learn to draw.

Art is an important part of a child’s education. Encourage your children to express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings through apps which support drawings, no matter how imperfect their artworks are. Appreciate their effort and motivate them to think of more ideas.

7. Ensure that the screen time is fruitful.

Go through the app beforehand and check if it is actually beneficial and provides good quality information to your child. It is necessary to find excellent content online that is useful, gives good results and makes your kid’s early learning experience even better.

Screen time is crucial for children as it exposes them to a whole new world of creativity and imagination. On average, 15 to 20 minutes a day is a good duration for your child to play and learn on his/her favorite electronic device.

Image credits – lcr3crNadineDoerle

Download our app: Kidloland!

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