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Top Baby Milestone Moments To Capture On Camera

Top Baby Milestone Moments To Capture On Camera

The first year of a child’s life is filled with awe and amazement! As you see your baby’s first smile, first steps, and even first grimace when tasting food, you will want to celebrate those life-changing moments forever!
Here are the 17 best shots to capture and hold on to, because every milestone that your baby reaches is cause for celebration and documentation!

1. Baby Birth:

Giving birth is really a miracle and a very special moment. Get this moment captured to treasure it forever!

2. Homecoming:

One of the most exciting things about having a baby is to come home with your new bundle of joy. Whether it is your first baby, or you are introducing your older children to their new sibling, this is filled with wonderful moments! Grab a camera and let these moments turn to great memories!

3. Baby’s First Smile:

That first smile from your newborn is priceless! Secure your baby’s first sweet little smile and treasure it for the rest of your life!

4. First Laugh:

A baby’s first laugh is one of the best parenting moments you could experience! Once you hear your baby’s first laugh, you won’t be able to get enough of the sound. Collect as many pictures as you can and cherish the memories!

5. First words:

A baby’s first words are an important milestone, especially when you’re waiting for that first real “mama” or “dada”. Capture your baby’s first words by taking a video to play it on  a loop in the future.

6. Waving Bye Bye:

What’s cuter than a little baby’s chubby hands waving at you? Treasure it. It’s a much required memory to cherish!

7. Crawling:

Every mom is eager to see her baby crawl! Crawling is a major milestone for your baby. Capture the first baby crawl moment as the littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our heart!

8. Clapping:

When your own clapping gets your baby so excited, he’ll start to bring his hands together in an effort to clap along with you! Babies think this is the best thing ever. They laugh wholeheartedly as they clap. This is another one to pull out the camera for!

9. Sitting Up:

A major accomplishment that every parent looks forward to is when her baby can sit on his own. To wow your heart tomorrow, capture this beautiful baby moment today!

10. Standing:

Standing opens up a whole new world for your baby to explore! The first time you see your baby standing alone, you may be tempted to grab him and hold him close! This moment requires a capture!

11. First Tooth:

Before those first two teeth come in, be sure to capture a gummy smile. You won’t realize how much you’ll miss it until it’s gone. That said, the first two teeth to come in are almost as exciting to photograph as the first smile! So, get silly. Make your child laugh and capture this precious moment!

12. Bath Time:

Bath time is a special time for bonding with your newborn. Get the camera ready. Like all the “firsts” to come, a baby’s first bath is a special event to be captured!

13. First Birthday:

Your baby is turning one. This is a huge milestone for him/her and you! This day. This moment. This cake all over your baby’s face. I promise you will want to remember this milestone. Record and document every shot on that very special day!

14. Rolling over:

Rolling over is a major baby milestone. It may come as a surprise when it first happens which absolutely has to be captured!

15. First Walk:

The big milestone of the first year (or soon after) is probably a child taking his or her first steps! They toddle. They waddle. They fall. Capture it. It’s a milestone!

16. First Taste of Food:

From baby food to finger food, don’t miss that first taste delight. Your little one is growing fast and has a messy face to prove it!

17. First Haircut:

Your baby’s first haircut is a milestone to be cherished for sure! So don’t forget to capture the memory with a picture or a video of the haircut!

Capture these moments at the right times because you can never recapture those wonderful first moments later! Leave no detail undocumented!

Image Credits: piepieadriantarsukoff, greyerbabyGuillaume, Mojpe, condesign